Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Are We Fooling Ourselves?

Interviews, jobs and paypacks. Terms fed(already) into data crunching minds of wannabe bizz-kids as and when they approach the podium of recruitment. Terms embraced with a force. Going by experience and not speaking from a neutral viewpoint, what matters in riding a healthy cheque chariot is "the prestige". The final appearance. An appearance, deceptive as they come. The becoming of an age you're not, you're NOT. Few is the number who know what they have set out for. Fewer is the number who practice the discipline to follow dreams. For most, the dreams follow them. An antithesis is always a prospective outcome, almost always welcome. I have been in the crowd. Witnessed many a strong one succumb to the magnetic pull of the first moneymaking option that has come their way. Honestly, i don't get it. I don't get the urges for the One Minute of Fame acts i have seen around. Herding. To act with a group in an unplanned way in an unplanned direction. A phenomenon best describing the aberrant thought processes of a student undecided on his academic future. Its not an easy decision when it comes to yourself, yes one has to secure a future. But on what grounds ? What are the yardsticks ? The psychic fails you four out five times each time in matters concerning you. Still, it doesn't empower you with a right to subvert what could be an healthy employment alternative for a colleague with cognition levels below you. Its simple. Don't preach something and practice another. The concept of a relief substitute or backup is weak. A dubious demonstration of self. I believe ones capable of accomplishing something set out for, sooner or later. Rejoice if sooner. Persevere if later.

-Contribution by Manav Gupta
4/4 BTech Biotech.

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